Upgrade instructions are the following: 1. Stop ALL NCA services. 2. Backup the whole NCA config folder from current installation (C:/Program Files (x86)/Sangoma NetBorder Platform 2.0.x/config under windows or /opt/Sangoma_NetBorderCallAnalyzer/config under linux) 3. Uninstall running NCA version 4. Install the new NCA version 5. Copy the following files from old backed up NCA config folder to new NCA config folder: a) call-analyzer-service.properties b) call-analyzer-engine.propertie c) CallAnalyzerAsOutboundProxy.call-properties d) CallAnalyzerGenesysOCS.call-properties e) call-analyzer-license.txt f) call-analyzer-license.txt.sig g) call-analyzer-logging.properties h) call-analyzer-service.properties