#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # vim: tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 textwidth=80 smarttab expandtab """ * Copyright (C) 2012 Sangoma Technologies Corp. * All Rights Reserved. * * Author(s) * Moises Silva * * This code is Sangoma Technologies Confidential Property. * Use of and access to this code is covered by a previously executed * non-disclosure agreement between Sangoma Technologies and the Recipient. * This code is being supplied for evaluation purposes only and is not to be * used for any other purpose. """ import sys import os import time import logging import oswc import sngpy import pyodbc import ipaddr import subprocess import re import signal import errno import pytables as iptc from pytables.helpers import * import ctypes from optparse import OptionParser from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta ####################### ## Maintenance Notes ## ## About the 'type' field in blocked_objects_table ## # blocked_objects_table was originally thought to hold both blocked ips and sip # accounts, however, we never finished the 'account' blocking feature and # therefore the 'type' field in the blocked_objects_table is useless # the new expired_objects_table will temporarily hold recently expired objects # but it does not have a type since it's not really needed and hopefully one day # will be removed from the blocked_objects_table as well (or the account blocking feature actually implemented) ####################### sipsecmon_logger = None def get_logger(): return sipsecmon_logger class SIPSecmonChain(object): def __init__(self, chain_name, logger): global sipsecmon_logger sipsecmon_logger = logger self.logger = logger self.chain_name = chain_name # ipv4 and ipv6 have different tables self.table = { 4: iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER, autocommit=False), 6: iptc.Table6(iptc.Table6.FILTER, autocommit=False) } # and different constructors for rules self.rule_cls = { 4: iptc.Rule, 6: iptc.Rule6 } # and seperate chains self.chains = { 4: self._setup_chain(4), 6: self._setup_chain(6) } def create_rule(self, src_addr): addr = ipaddr.IPAddress(src_addr) return addr, self.rule_cls[addr.version]() @iptc_command(get_logger) def append_rule(self, src_addr): addr, rule = self.create_rule(src_addr) yield self.chains[addr.version].table rule.src = str(addr) rule.target = rule.create_target('DROP') self.chains[addr.version].append_rule(rule) @iptc_command(get_logger) def delete_rule(self, src_addr): addr, rule = self.create_rule(src_addr) yield self.chains[addr.version].table rule.src = str(addr) rule.target = rule.create_target('DROP') self.chains[addr.version].delete_rule(rule) @iptc_command(get_logger) def _setup_chain(self, version): table = self.table[version] yield table input_chain = iptc.Chain(table, 'INPUT') rule = self.rule_cls[version]() if not table.is_chain(self.chain_name[version]): chain = table.create_chain(self.chain_name[version]) else: rule.target = rule.create_target(self.chain_name[version]) try: input_chain.delete_rule(rule) except (iptc.IPTCError, iptc.XTablesError): pass chain = iptc.Chain(table, self.chain_name[version]) rule.target = rule.create_target(self.chain_name[version]) input_chain.insert_rule(rule) chain.flush() iptc_return(chain) def perform_block(rule_id, target_ip, block_seconds): """ Perform the actual IP block operation """ secmon = get_secmon() # Check first if this IP is already in the db, ignore the block request # if it is, it might be a dup if we were too slow to block the ip and # the events come too quick (slight race) query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE name = ?".format(secmon.blocked_objects_table) cursor = secmon.sql_exec(query, target_ip) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: secmon._logger.warning("Not blocking IP {} again, block will expire on {}".format(row.name, row.block_expiration)) return # Up to one day blocking time, considered it a permanent block otherwise # (where 0 seconds means permanent) if block_seconds >= 86400: block_seconds = 0 # Do some clean up of old records in the expiration cache table query = """ DELETE FROM {} WHERE DATE_ADD(last_expiration, INTERVAL ? second) < NOW() AND name NOT IN (SELECT name FROM {}) """.format(secmon.expired_objects_table, secmon.blocked_objects_table) secmon.sql_exec(query, secmon.expiration_cache_period) # If the IP is still/already in the expired objects cache then update the block count # and block this IP for twice as much as the previous time # We only do this check for non-permanent blocks if block_seconds > 0: query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE name = ?".format(secmon.expired_objects_table) cursor = secmon.sql_exec(query, target_ip) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: query = "UPDATE {} SET block_count = block_count + 1 WHERE name = ?".format(secmon.expired_objects_table) secmon.sql_exec(query, target_ip) block_seconds = block_seconds * (2 ** row.block_count) if block_seconds >= 86400: block_seconds = 0 secmon._logger.warning("IP {} will be blocked permanently due to {} repeated offences".format(row.name, row.block_count)) else: secmon._logger.warning("IP {} will be blocked for {} seconds due to {} repeated offences".format(row.name, block_seconds, row.block_count)) # Insert the actual block record now = datetime.now() if block_seconds > 0: block_period = timedelta(0, block_seconds) xtime = now + block_period else: # Permanent blocking xtime = datetime.max query = """ INSERT INTO {} (rule_id, name, type, block_time, block_expiration) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """.format(secmon.blocked_objects_table) secmon.sql_exec(query, rule_id, target_ip, 'ip', now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), xtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) # Do the actual firewall block fw_block_ip(target_ip, block_seconds) def unblock_ip_ex(src_addr): """ Force unblocking an IP from an external process """ secmon = get_secmon() # Force the expiration to be immediate query = "UPDATE {} SET block_expiration = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE name = ?".format(secmon.blocked_objects_table) cursor = secmon.sql_exec(query, src_addr) if cursor.rowcount <= 0: secmon._logger.warning("Could not force unblock of IP {}: IP not found or record already expired".format(src_addr)) return False # Since this is a forced update, delete directly from the expired_objects table as well # to make sure a subsequent block won't increase the time penalty for this guy query = "DELETE FROM {} WHERE name = ?".format(secmon.expired_objects_table) secmon.sql_exec(query, src_addr) # find the secmonitor process proc = sngpy.Service.find_process() if proc is not None: # send a SIGHUP signal to wake up immediately proc.send_signal(signal.SIGHUP) secmon._logger.info("Forced unblock of IP {}".format(src_addr)) return True def fw_block_ip(src_addr, seconds): secmon = get_secmon() minutes = (seconds / 60) secmon._logger.warning("Blocking IP {} for about {} minutes ({} seconds exactly)".format(src_addr, minutes, seconds)) secmon.sip_chain.append_rule(src_addr) if seconds > 0: secmon.sched.enter(seconds, 1, unblock_ip, (src_addr, )) def sql_unblock_ip(src_addr): secmon = get_secmon() query = "DELETE FROM {} WHERE name = ?".format(secmon.blocked_objects_table) secmon.sql_exec(query, src_addr) query = """ INSERT INTO {} (name, last_expiration) VALUES (?, NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_expiration = NOW() """.format(secmon.expired_objects_table) secmon.sql_exec(query, src_addr) def unblock_ip(src_addr): if fw_unblock_ip(src_addr): sql_unblock_ip(src_addr) def fw_unblock_ip(src_addr): secmon = get_secmon() secmon._logger.warning("Unblocking IP {}".format(src_addr)) try: secmon.sip_chain.delete_rule(src_addr) return True except (iptc.IPTCError, iptc.XTablesError): return False def unblock_expired(): secmon = get_secmon() now = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE block_expiration <= ?".format(secmon.blocked_objects_table) cursor = secmon.sql_exec(query, now) for obj in cursor: unblock_ip(obj.name) def block_all(): secmon = get_secmon() now = datetime.now() now_str = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Read from database which IPs are supposed to be blocked dbquery = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE block_expiration > ?".format(secmon.blocked_objects_table) cursor = secmon.sql_exec(dbquery, now_str) # Block each object as needed for obj in cursor: blk_exp_str = str(obj.block_expiration) secmon._logger.debug("Re-blocking IP {}, block_expiration={}".format(obj.name, blk_exp_str)) if blk_exp_str.startswith('9999'): fw_block_ip(obj.name, 0) else: xtime = datetime.strptime(blk_exp_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') period = xtime - now fw_block_ip(obj.name, period.seconds) class SIPSecRuleMatch(object): def __init__(self, name, rule, logger): self._name = name self._rule = rule self._logger = logger self.events = [] self.src_ip = '' self.profile = '' self.account = '' self.sched_event = None self._logger.debug("New rule match '{}'".format(name)) def __str__(self): return self._name class SIPSecAction(object): def __init__(self, args, rule, logger): self._args = args self._rule = rule self._logger = logger def execute(self, rule_match): pass # This is useful to block script-kiddies using scanners to find vulnerable accounts class BlockIPAction(SIPSecAction): def __init__(self, args, rule, logger): super(BlockIPAction, self).__init__(args, rule, logger) self._block_time = int(args) # This is in minutes self._logger.debug("Created action to block IP " "for {} minutes".format(self._block_time)) def execute(self, rule_match): perform_block(rule_match._rule._id, rule_match.src_ip, (self._block_time * 60)) class Filter(object): def __init__(self, expr, rule, logger): self._expr = expr self._rule = rule self._logger = logger def match(self, obj, *args): return False class IPFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, expr, rule, logger): self._accepted_ips = {} self._negated_ips = {} self._accepted_networks = {} self._negated_networks = {} super(IPFilter, self).__init__(expr, rule, logger) self._logger.debug("Building IP filter from expr {}".format(expr)) expr_elements = expr.split(',') for expr_str in expr_elements: ipstr = expr_str.strip() negated = False if ipstr[0] == '!': negated = True ipstr = ipstr[1:] if '/' in ipstr: net = ipaddr.IPNetwork(ipstr) if negated: self._negated_networks[ipstr] = net else: self._accepted_networks[ipstr] = net else: addr = ipaddr.IPAddress(ipstr) if negated: self._negated_ips[ipstr] = addr else: self._accepted_ips[ipstr] = addr def match(self, obj): match_status = False addr = None addr_str = None try: addr_str = str(obj) addr = ipaddr.IPAddress(addr_str) except ValueError: self._logger.error("Provided match object {} is not a valid IP address".format(obj)) return False if addr_str in self._accepted_ips: return True if self._negated_ips and addr_str not in self._negated_ips: return True for k, net in self._negated_networks.items(): if net.Contains(addr): # the address is contained in one of the # negated networks, therefore is not a # match # ie, a list of negated networks # (!,! # means the intention is to match IPs that DO NOT # belong to ANY of those 2 networks match_status = False break else: match_status = True # potential match for k, net in self._accepted_networks.items(): if net.Contains(addr): return True return match_status class UserAgentFilter(Filter): regex_id = 'regex=' def __init__(self, expr, rule, logger): self.user_agent_str = None self.regex = None self.regex_str = '' super(UserAgentFilter, self).__init__(expr, rule, logger) self._logger.debug("Building user agent filter from expr {}".format(expr)) expr.strip() if self.regex_id == expr[:len(self.regex_id)]: self.regex_str = expr[len(self.regex_id):] self.regex = re.compile(self.regex_str, re.IGNORECASE) else: self.user_agent_str = expr def match(self, obj): agent = str(obj) if self.regex is not None: return self.regex.match(agent) is not None if self.user_agent_str is not None and agent == self.user_agent_str: return True return False class AccountFilter(Filter): regex_id = 'regex=' def __init__(self, expr, rule, logger): self._accepted_accounts = {} self._negated_accounts = {} self._unknown = False self.regex = None self.regex_str = '' super(AccountFilter, self).__init__(expr, rule, logger) self._logger.debug("Building account filter from expr {}".format(expr)) expr.strip() if expr == 'unknown': self._unknown = True elif self.regex_id == expr[:len(self.regex_id)]: self.regex_str = expr[len(self.regex_id):] self.regex = re.compile(self.regex_str, re.IGNORECASE) else: expr_elements = expr.split(',') for expr_str in expr_elements: account = expr_str.strip() if account[0] == '!': account = account[1:] self._negated_accounts[account] = account else: self._accepted_accounts[account] = account def match(self, obj, invalid): account = str(obj) if self.regex is not None: return self.regex.match(account) is not None if self._unknown and invalid: return True if account in self._accepted_accounts: return True if self._negated_accounts and account not in self._negated_accounts: return True return False class SIPSecRule(object): def __init__(self, dbreg, logger): self._logger = logger self._id = int(dbreg.rule_id) self._name = dbreg.name self._failed_attempts = dbreg.failed_attempts self._time_frame = (dbreg.time_frame * 60) if dbreg.profile_filter is None: self._profile_filter = '' else: self._profile_filter = dbreg.profile_filter self._actions = [] self._ip_filter = None self._account_filter = None self._user_agent_filter = None self._matches = {} # build filters if dbreg.src_ip_filter_expr: self._ip_filter = IPFilter(dbreg.src_ip_filter_expr, self, self._logger) if dbreg.account_filter_expr: self._account_filter = AccountFilter(dbreg.account_filter_expr, self, self._logger) if dbreg.user_agent_filter_expr: self._user_agent_filter = UserAgentFilter(dbreg.user_agent_filter_expr, self, self._logger) # build actions self._build_actions(dbreg.action_expr) def _build_actions(self, expr): self._logger.debug("Building actions from expr {}".format(expr)) action_list = expr.split(',') for action_str in action_list: action_str = action_str.strip() if not action_str: self._logger.debug("Ignoring empty action for rule '{}'".format(self)) continue action_name, sep, action_args = action_str.partition('=') if not sep: self._logger.warning("Invalid action '{}' for rule '{}'".format(action_str, self)) continue if action_name == 'block_ip': action = BlockIPAction(action_args, self, self._logger) else: self._logger.warning("Invalid action '{}' for rule '{}'".format(action_str, self)) continue self._actions.append(action) def match(self, event): secmon = get_secmon() status = event.get_header('auth-status') # Only match failure attempts if status and status == 'ok': return False hash = "{}/{}".format(self._id, self._name) profile = event.get_header('profile-name') src_ip = event.get_header('network-ip') account = event.get_header('username') + "@" + event.get_header('realm') user_agent = event.get_header('user-agent') reason = event.get_header('fail-reason') invalid_user = False if reason in ('invalid-user', 'domain-not-bound'): invalid_user = True # Match profile if self._profile_filter and profile != self._profile_filter: # self._logger.debug("Profile {} did not match".format(profile)) return False # Match IP if self._ip_filter and not self._ip_filter.match(src_ip): # self._logger.debug("IP {} did not match".format(src_ip)) return False # Match account if self._account_filter and not self._account_filter.match(account, invalid_user): # self._logger.debug("Account {} did not match".format(account)) return False # Match user agent if user_agent is not None and self._user_agent_filter is not None \ and not self._user_agent_filter.match(user_agent): # self._logger.debug("User agent {} did not match".format(user_agent)) return False if self._profile_filter: hash += '/' + profile # Always include src ip in the hash hash += '/' + src_ip if self._account_filter: if self._account_filter.regex is not None: hash += '/' + self._account_filter.regex_str elif invalid_user: hash += '/' + '@invalid-user@' else: hash += '/' + account if hash in self._matches: rule_match = self._matches[hash] # cancel previous safety timer secmon.sched.cancel(rule_match.sched_event) else: rule_match = SIPSecRuleMatch(hash, self, self._logger) rule_match.profile = profile rule_match.src_ip = src_ip rule_match.account = account self._matches[hash] = rule_match # Save event and its capture time curtime = time.time() event.secmon_time = curtime rule_match.events.append(event) # schedule an expiration timer for this match in case no events match anymore within the time frame rule_match.sched_event = secmon.sched.enter(self._time_frame, 1, self._delete_match, (rule_match, )) # clear up any events that are no longer valid considering the time frame expired_events = [] for regev in rule_match.events: diff = (curtime - regev.secmon_time) if diff < 0: # Attempt to fix obviously broken time (time on system changed) regev.secmon_time = curtime if diff > self._time_frame: expired_events.append(regev) for expev in expired_events: rule_match.events.remove(expev) # if not enough attempts have occurred within the valid time frame, we're done here if len(rule_match.events) < self._failed_attempts: return True # Enough events collected now, trigger the actions self._logger.info("Executing actions for rule match {} from IP {}".format(hash, src_ip)) for action in self._actions: action.execute(rule_match) # get rid of the match secmon.sched.cancel(rule_match.sched_event) self._delete_match(rule_match) return True def _delete_match(self, match): hash = str(match) self._logger.debug("Deleting rule match '{}'".format(hash)) del self._matches[hash] def __str__(self): return self._name class SIPSecMonitor(sngpy.DBService): _service_name = 'sipsecmon' def __init__(self, logger): self._dbconf = {} self._dbconf_params = ['connection-string', 'table-prefix'] self._dbconn = None self._swconf = {} self._swconf_params = ['connection-string'] self._sleep_interval = 1 self.blocked_objects_table = '' self.expired_objects_table = '' self.expiration_cache_period = 60 self.rules_table = '' self.iptc_max_retry = 100 self.iptc_retry_sleep = 0.01 self._rules = [] self._oswc_conn = None self.sip_chain = None self.chain = { 4: 'sip_security', 6: 'sip_security6' } self._logger = logger formatter = logging.Formatter(self._logformat) console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) self._logger.addHandler(console_handler) self.sched = sngpy.Scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) self._null = open(os.devnull, 'w') # custom SIPSecMon options should be added here via parser.add_option() self.parser = OptionParser() self.parser.add_option("", "--unblock-ip", dest="unblock_ip", help="Unblock the given IP address") self.parser.add_option("", "--init-database", action="store_true", dest="init_database", help="Initialize Database") super(SIPSecMonitor, self).__init__() # handle sighup to reload rules and block/unblock objects self.reload = False def sigreload(signum, frame): secmon = get_secmon() secmon.reload = True signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sigreload) def _parse_db(self, params): self._logger.debug("Reading database parameters") for p in params: self._logger.debug("database: {}={}".format(p.attrib['name'], p.attrib['value'])) if p.attrib['name'] in self._dbconf_params: self._dbconf[p.attrib['name']] = p.attrib['value'] else: raise ValueError("Unknown database XML parameter {}".format(p.attrib['name'])) if 'connection-string' not in self._dbconf: raise ValueError("Missing database connection-string XML parameter") if 'table-prefix' not in self._dbconf: self._dbconf['table-prefix'] = '' self.rules_table = self._dbconf['table-prefix'] + "rules" self.blocked_objects_table = self._dbconf['table-prefix'] + "blocked_objects" self.expired_objects_table = self._dbconf['table-prefix'] + "expired_objects" def _parse_switch(self, params): self._logger.debug("Reading switch parameters") for p in params: self._logger.debug("switch: {}={}".format(p.attrib['name'], p.attrib['value'])) if p.attrib['name'] in self._swconf_params: self._swconf[p.attrib['name']] = p.attrib['value'] else: raise ValueError("Unknown switch XML parameter {}".format(p.attrib['name'])) if 'connection-string' not in self._swconf: raise ValueError("Missing switch connection-string XML parameter") def configure(self): ret = True try: tree = super(SIPSecMonitor, self).configure() dbconf = tree.find('database') if dbconf is None: raise ValueError("Missing configuration") else: params = self._get_params(dbconf) self._parse_db(params) swconf = tree.find('switch') if swconf is None: raise ValueError("Missing configuration") else: params = self._get_params(swconf) self._parse_switch(params) except: self._logger.critical("Failed to configure service") exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() self._print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) ret = False return ret def _db_init(self): try: # create rules table dbquery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{}` (" """ `rule_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR(255) NULL , `failed_attempts` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `time_frame` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `profile_filter` TEXT NULL , `src_ip_filter_expr` TEXT NULL , `account_filter_expr` TEXT NULL , `user_agent_filter_expr` TEXT NULL , `action_expr` TEXT NULL , `comments` TEXT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`rule_id`) , UNIQUE INDEX `rule_id_UNIQUE` (`rule_id` ASC) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; """.format(self.rules_table) self.sql_exec(dbquery) # create blocked objects table dbquery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{}` (" """ `blocked_object_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `rule_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `type` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL , `block_time` DATETIME NOT NULL , `block_expiration` DATETIME NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`blocked_object_id`) , UNIQUE INDEX `blocked_object_id_UNIQUE` (`blocked_object_id` ASC) , INDEX `rule_id` (`rule_id` ASC)) ENGINE = InnoDB; """.format(self.blocked_objects_table) self.sql_exec(dbquery) # create expired objects table dbquery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{}` (" """ `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `block_count` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 , `last_expiration` DATETIME NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`name`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; """.format(self.expired_objects_table) self.sql_exec(dbquery) except: self._logger.error("Failed to initialize database") raise def _load_rules(self): try: dbquery = "SELECT * FROM {}".format(self.rules_table) cursor = self.sql_exec(dbquery) rulecnt = 0 for rule_reg in cursor: rule = SIPSecRule(rule_reg, self._logger) self._rules.append(rule) rulecnt = rulecnt + 1 self._logger.info("Loaded {} rules".format(rulecnt)) except: self._logger.error("Failed to load rules") raise def cmd_exec(self, cmd, errcheck=True): self._logger.debug("Executing command {}".format(' '.join(cmd))) rc = subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=self._null, stderr=self._null) if errcheck and rc: self._logger.error("Command {} returned {}".format(' '.join(cmd), rc)) return rc def _setup_blocked_objects(self): try: self._logger.info("Setting up blocked objects") self.sip_chain = SIPSecmonChain(self.chain, self._logger) # Make sure all blocked obj are still blocked and # unblock the expired ones block_all() unblock_expired() except (iptc.IPTCError, iptc.XTablesError): self._logger.error("Failed to setup blocked objects") raise def unblock_ip(self, ipaddr): self._db_connect() return unblock_ip_ex(ipaddr) def init_database(self): # connection to the database takes care of initialization try: self._db_connect() return True except: return False def _housekeeping(self): self.sched.fast_run() if self.reload: self._reload() def _connect(self): # Connection loop (wait until we can connect or the daemon is stopped) self._oswc_conn = None connection_string = self._swconf['connection-string'] while self.daemon_alive: self._housekeeping() # connect to the event provider if self._oswc_conn is None: self._oswc_conn = oswc.create_connection(connection_string, logger=self._logger) if self._oswc_conn is None: self._logger.error("Failed to create connection to {}".format(connection_string)) time.sleep(self._sleep_interval) continue listener = RegistrationListener(self._rules, self._logger) listener.set_filter(['REGISTER_ATTEMPT']) self._oswc_conn.add_event_listener(listener) listener = SIPLimitsListener(self._logger) listener.set_filter(['SIP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED']) self._oswc_conn.add_event_listener(listener) if not self._oswc_conn.connect(): self._logger.debug("Failed to connect to {}".format(connection_string)) time.sleep(self._sleep_interval) continue self._logger.info("Connected to {}".format(connection_string)) break def _reload(self): self.reload = False self._logger.info("Forcing unblock of expired objects") # Ideally we should also remove scheduled entries otherwise the # scheduled callback will trigger and will attempt to unblock an IP # which is already unblocked, or worst it will unblock an IP entry that # a different rule triggered. This is not a major issue though since # typically if a given IP was unblocked manually it is because it is # trusted and the fact that was blocked again is just a rule # mis-configuration or something alike unblock_expired() def _db_connect(self): self._dbconn = None try: self._dbconn = pyodbc.connect(self._dbconf['connection-string']) except Exception as e: self._logger.error("Failed to connect to the database {}: {}".format(self._dbconf['connection-string'], e)) raise # initialize the database self._db_init() def run(self): super(SIPSecMonitor, self).run() # connect to the database self._db_connect() # Load the rules self._load_rules() # Verify blocked objects are still blocked and unblock any expired registers self._setup_blocked_objects() # Connect to the event source self._connect() self._logger.info("{} is now running".format(self._service_name)) # Event loop while self.daemon_alive: try: self._housekeeping() sched_sleep = self.sched.next_event_time_delta() if sched_sleep is 0: """ You'd think we could run a housekeeping if sched_sleep is zero, but apparently sometimes time goes back and we don't want to call receive_event with 0 as that seems to (oddly) block, just wait one more second to be on the safe side """ sched_sleep = 1 e = self._oswc_conn.receive_event(timeout=sched_sleep * 1000) if e is not None and str(e) == 'OS_DISCONNECTED': self._logger.info("Server connection lost") self._connect() except KeyboardInterrupt: self._logger.info("Stopping {}. User aborted.".format(self._service_name)) break except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() self._print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) time.sleep(self._sleep_interval) self._logger.info("{} is now terminating".format(self._service_name)) class RegistrationListener(oswc.EventListener): def __init__(self, rules, logger): self._rules = rules self._logger = logger super(oswc.EventListener, self).__init__() def on_event(self, event): self._logger.debug("Received registration event {}".format(event)) for rule in self._rules: rule.match(event) class SIPLimitsListener(oswc.EventListener): def __init__(self, logger): self._logger = logger super(oswc.EventListener, self).__init__() def on_event(self, event): """ Someone exceeded a limit, we'll block their IP for the limit seconds to get them back inline with the required limits. Ideally we would block for only the remaining time of the limit period, but for now we block for a full period """ self._logger.warning( "Received sip limits event from profile '{}' for sip agent '{}' from '{}' (usage exceeded {} requests per {} seconds, method = {}, host = {})".format( event.get_header('profile-name'), event.get_header('user-agent'), event.get_header('network-ip'), event.get_header('limit-max'), event.get_header('limit-seconds'), event.get_header('sip-method'), event.get_header('limit-host') ) ) perform_block(0, event.get_header('network-ip'), int(event.get_header('limit-seconds'))) logger = logging.getLogger(SIPSecMonitor._service_name) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def get_secmon(): return secmon secmon = None try: secmon = SIPSecMonitor(logger) if secmon.options.stop is not None: secmon.stop() sys.exit(0) if secmon.options.restart is not None: secmon.restart() sys.exit(0) if secmon.options.conf_path is None: # convenient way to retrieve -c option when service is running secmon.options.conf_path = sngpy.Service.find_conf_path() if secmon.options.conf_path is None: secmon.parser.print_help() secmon.parser.error("-c is required to find the configuration path") sys.exit(1) if secmon.configure() is False: secmon.parser.error("Failed to configure daemon using file {}".format(secmon.options.conf_path)) sys.exit(1) if secmon.options.unblock_ip: if secmon.unblock_ip(secmon.options.unblock_ip): sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1) if secmon.options.init_database: if secmon.init_database(): sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1) # Following options (either start or run) should not be executed if the pid file exists if os.path.exists(secmon.pidfile): logger.error("Service seems to be running already, pid file {} already exists".format(secmon.pidfile)) sys.exit(1) # Decide whether to run in the background (Daemon mode) or foreground if secmon.options.start is not None: secmon.start() else: secmon.run() sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.info("Received keyboard interrupt, exiting.") sys.exit(0) except SystemExit as e: # We just catch this so it won't end up in the catch-all below but we still # must raise the exception if we want python to exit with the provided # sys.exit() return code if not sys.stdin.isatty(): logger.info("SystemExit status {}".format(e.code)) raise except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() sngpy.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) if not sys.stdin.isatty(): logger.error("Unexpected exception {}/{}, aborting.".format(exc_type, exc_value)) sys.exit(1)