;DrIvEr DeScRiPtIoN VER: 1.00 SYN: 1.00 DRIVER S514HSM { DES: $DES HELP: $HELP PAR: 1.00 File: S514HSM.LAN Prod: 'PCI.11b0.0002.0000.0000.*' ;@# SProd: 'Just for backward comp' LIST Adapter_Bus_Type OPTIONAL { Description:"Is the card a ?" Help: "A value of 'Yes' is necessary to support legacy ISA cards. Plug and Play ISA is not considered legacy ISA." CDescription: "No" Choice: '' CDescription: "Yes" Choice: 'ISA' Default: 1 OutputFormat: '%s' } PROMPT SLOT if (Adapter_Bus_Type == 2) HID else REQ { VAL: 0 - 255 DEF: 255 Help: "PCI SLOT number: location of the S514 PCI card. To autodetect a SINGLE S514 card set the slot number to 255. Note: autodetect cannot be used on multiple S514 cards." } PROMPT CPU if (Adapter_Bus_Type == 2) HID else REQ { TYPE: Hex(1) VAL: 1, 2 DEF: 1 OutputFormat: 'CPU=%s' Help: "S514 CPU Number: The S514 card can have up to 2 CPUs: 1 or 2. Each CPU can support a different protocol" } PROMPT INT if (Adapter_Bus_Type == 2) REQ else HID { VAL: 2, 3, 5, 7 DEF: 7 Help: "S508-ISA Interrupt Number: Make sure that there are no conflicts, and that BIOS has been setup for Legacy-ISA IRQ usage." } PROMPT PORT if (Adapter_Bus_Type == 2) REQ else HID { TYPE: Hex(3) VAL: 250, 300, 350, 360 DEF: 360 RES: 3 Help: "S508-ISA Port Number: This value is set by the S508 card jumpers, please refer to the S508 hardware manual. Make sure that there are no conflicts." } PROMPT MEM if (Adapter_Bus_Type == 2) REQ else HID { VAL: A0000, A2000, A4000, A6000, A8000, AA000, AC000, AE000, C0000, C2000, C4000, C6000, C8000, CA000, CC000, CE000, D0000, D2000, D4000, D6000, D8000, DA000, DC000, DE000, E0000, E2000, E4000, E6000, E8000, EA000, EC000, EE000 DEF: C8000 RES: 2000 Help: "Address of the S508 adapter memory window" } PROMPT CHANNEL REQ { TYPE: Hex(1) VAL: 1, 2 DEF: 1 Help: "Sangoma Adapter Port Number: Both S514 and S508 adapter have Primary and Secondary communication ports for each CPU. Primary (1): High Speed up to 4Mbps (S514) Secondary (2): Low Speed up to 512Kbps (S514)" } WANSTART MEDIUM: SERIAL PORTS: 1 Range PORT_TYPE: RS232 Range HDLC_FRAMING_TYPE: SYNC Range CRC_SUPPORTED: CRC16 Range INTERNAL_SYNC_PORT_SPEED: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 48000, 56000, 64000, 72000, 112000, 128000 Range PORT_CONNECTION: HARDWIRED, DTR_DIALED, PSEUDO_SWITCHED Range DATA_ENCODING_TYPE: NRZ, NRZI Range IDLE_LINE_TYPE: FLAGS, MARKS Range DUPLEX_TYPE: FDX_NRZ, FDX_NRZI, HDX_NRZ Range MRU_SIZE: 2-2300 Range MTU_SIZE: 2-2300 WANEND } DLANG: 4 $DES = "Drivers for Sangoma S514/S508 Adapters: S514HSM.LAN" $Help = "Sangoma S514/S508 WAN adapters provide WAN and Legacy protocols/connectiviy to the Novell Server. Sangoma driver is an HSM driver, it uses Novell Protocol TSMs such as Frame Relay or SDLC (NWSAA)." ;DrIvEr DeScRiPtIoN EnD